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Dialectic Behavioral Therapy
in a Nutshell

Developed as an evidence-based approach to help high-functioning individuals, DBT combines cognitive-behavioral techniques with mindfulness practices to create meaningful and lasting change.

At Nina Lauren Psychotherapy, our team’s integrative therapeutic approach weaves DBT with your personal therapy program. This can help you to manage your relationships and enhance your overall ability to better cope with whatever life throws at you.

  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based approach to help high-functioning individuals cope with their emotions, build healthier relationships and reduce self-destructive behaviors.
  • DBT focuses on four core skills — Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation & Interpersonal Effectiveness, to create lasting positive change.

DBT is for High-Functioning Individuals

Dialectical behavior therapy is a well-established evidence-based therapy. As such, it’s shown great success in helping high-functioning individuals manage their emotions, improve relationships, and reduce destructive or harmful behaviors.

By combining these elements, DBT can effectively address mental health concerns, ranging from depression and anxiety to post-traumatic stress disorder.

Here at Nina Lauren Psychotherapy, because of our highly customized and unique to you treatment plans coupled with our virtual, online telehealth therapy approach, we primarily focus on the individual aspect of DBT.

DBT Helps You Find Balance and
Develop Emotional Resilience

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a unique form of therapy integrating cognitive-behavioral techniques with mindfulness practices. DBT emphasizes dialectical thinking, which involves holding two conflicting perspectives simultaneously. This approach allows individuals to find that delicate balance between acceptance and change. A balance ultimately leads to more constructive emotional regulation and much healthier coping strategies long-term.

Particularly effective in treating numerous mental health issues, DBT is proven effective for treating:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Eating disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

By addressing underlying issues which contribute to someone feeling emotionally out of control, overwhelmed, or experiencing emotional dysregulation, DBT can help individuals develop the skills and resilience required to better navigate challenges in every area of their lives.

DBT Empowers You to Take Back Control

With numerous studies demonstrating its ability to treat a range of mental health issues, the effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy is well-documented. In particular, DBT has been shown to be highly effective in treating borderline personality disorder, a condition characterized by intense emotional reactions and unstable interpersonal relationships. Furthermore, DBT has been found to help reduce suicide attempts and nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI), making it a valuable treatment option for individuals struggling with self-harm behaviors.

The success of DBT is attributed to its unique combination of cognitive-behavioral techniques and mindfulness practices, which work together to help clients regulate their emotions, tolerate distress, and improve interpersonal effectiveness. By regulating emotions and teaching individuals to balance acceptance and change, DBT empowers clients to regain control of their emotional well-being and lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy Builds Critical Life Skills
and Emotional Awareness

DBT’s effectiveness lies in its ability to help individuals develop a range of crucial skills. By working intentionally to build out these skill sets, people gain valuable insight, allowing them to learn skills to better understand and manage their own emotions. Developing solid self-regulation skills leads to healthier decision-making and improved coping strategies — especially in the face of adversity.

Ultimately, this balanced approach to acceptance and change enables individuals to create lasting improvements in their emotional well-being and overall quality of life. Which in turn, facilitates one’s ability to not only reach their personal and professional goals but continue moving forward and along their path of successful living.

The Four Key Skills DBT Helps Cultivate to Elevate Emotional Awareness

Each of the four skills below plays a vital role in helping people navigate day-to-day challenges in healthy and productive ways. These are the life skill areas DBT focuses on building up:

  • Mindfulness
  • Distress tolerance
  • Emotion regulation
  • Interpersonal effectiveness

By mastering these foundational skills, people can cultivate a greater sense of emotional awareness. They also learn to name unwanted emotions, tolerate distress without resorting to (or depending on) unhealthy coping mechanisms, regulate emotional responses more effectively, and communicate assertively with others.

Frequently Asked Questions

Nina’s Quick Reference Guide About DBT

What mental health issues does DBT help with?

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is effective in treating a range of mental health conditions, from Borderline Personality Disorder to depression and anxiety. DBT is particularly helpful for those with bipolar disorder who struggle with intense emotions, have difficulty regulating their behaviors, and have suicidal thoughts or actions.

DBT, as a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy, focuses on helping individuals identify and change unhelpful patterns of thinking and behavior. It also teaches skills to help individuals better manage their emotions, tolerate distress, and communicate more effectively.

Is DBT better than other methods?

The DBT program experience is designed to provide people with a more structured treatment approach to therapy that emphasizes skill-building, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness.

The way we view DBT at Nina Lauren Psychotherapy is from a both/and rather than an either/or perspective. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is one of many tools in our therapeutic toolbox that we may use in our therapy sessions — if it’s an appropriate fit for you.

Our experienced integrative therapists understand the unique needs and bigger goals of each individual and then, customize treatment plans accordingly. With our collaborative and action-oriented approach, we take into consideration your personal values, unique worldview, cultural background, experiences, and current life circumstances, etc. This ensures the therapy program we create for you is not only effective but respectful of your unique experiences.

How long does it typically take for DBT to be effective?

On average it can take anywhere from six months up to a year for DBT to really show visible results. That said, this is based on a traditional DBT treatment program.

Because the approach we take at Nina Lauren Psychotherapy is more integrative, and because we highly customize our treatment modalities to match your particular needs and situation, this time frame can vary greatly. For a better assessment of timelines, we recommend having a conversation with your therapist to discuss your progress in more depth.

Will dialectical behavior therapy be part of my treatment plan?

At Nina Lauren Psychotherapy, due to our integrative, creative approach as therapeutic care providers, matching our clients with the most effective therapy for them is what’s important. Because of this, we shape the treatment for you based on your own unique situation and needs. And because the treatment modalities will vary from person to person, whether or not DBT is best for you at any given point in your healing journey will ultimately be determined by your therapist based on your goals, progress, and specific issues you’re dealing with at the time.

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